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Looking for a good book on anti-Semitism?
Anti-Semitism is a term coined, ironically, by a German anti-Semite in 1879. As a phenomenon, it can be traced back at least 2,000 years as Greeks and then Romans noted how only the Jews objected to worshipping other peoples' gods or eating at their tables.
European Christian anti-Semitism was historically the most vicious, and led directly to the Holocaust. Yet anti-Semitism has also been a part of the Moslem world and has occurred even in countries where there are no Jews!
It's amazing how masses of people have believed the rubbish that the anti-Semites have produced over the centuries. It's one thing if they don't like us. After all, the Jews have always been a bit of a bother to some, because we have insisted for the last few thousand years on monotheism in a world that wasn't monotheistic, and we've mostly not mixed very much with other folks. But it has been difficult convincing the world that it could manage, really, without inventing anti-Semitic canards now and then, one more preposterous than the other, and killing Jews to satisfy themselves. Theodore Herzl believed that anti-Semitism would disappear with the creation of the Jewish State. So far, that hasn't been the case. Moslem anti-Semitism and now European anti-Semitism only thinly disguised as anti-Israelism are lately getting worse, not better.
Here are some books on anti-Semitism that may help increase your understanding - or at least knowledge - of it. Many relate to the Holocaust and historical processes in Europe that led to it.
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Enveloped in Light: A Tallit Sourcebook
by Dov Peretz Elkins and Steven Schwarzman
Judaica Press Mikraot Gedolot Nach, 24 Volumes
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Jewish music bestsellers[an error occurred while processing this directive]
Just starting out in exploring Jewish books? Try the official Jewish Book Mall recommendations for beginners: Building a Jewish Home Library. Looking for something else? Try our new Links page. Site © 2002-2015 Atarim, LLC Other great sites: ShulHost - Web Services for Synagogues, Jewish Feeds - Jewish and Israel News and Features, Jewish and Hebrew Tutoring at, Writers Book Mall - Books for Writers, Tools and Reviews - Hand and Power Tools, Doctors Book Store - Medical Books for Doctors, Dentists, and Nurses, Engineers Book Shop - Engineering Books for Engineers and Engineering Students, Software User Guides and Manuals. Privacy policy: we don't collect information about visitors except for the standard technical server logs. We don't send unsolicited emails. We don't sell the information that we don't collect about you to anyone. When you follow links to other sites, their privacy policies apply. |