| |
Looking for a good Talmud set or volume? For many people today, the Talmud may seem inaccessible. First of all, it's
very large, with 5,894 pages. And second, it's written mostly in
Aramaic. And third, the
structure of the Talmud page is not like most books (in fact, it has been
compared to the
structure of...a web page!) Finally, discussions in one tractate refer to others,
so that you're assumed to know the whole thing before you start.
Thankfully, there are now two excellent
versions for people most comfortable in English, one by Rabbi Adin
and one by Artscroll (known as the
Schottenstein edition). They're not just translations
- these editions explain and guide you through as you enter the intellectual,
religious, and legal discourse of the sages and commentators over centuries. The
Soncino Talmud (shown here)
is also a classic, and is available as a complete set, with facing English and
Hebrew/Aramaic pages. If you can follow a sugya but need English, this is
a great option.
Traditional Talmud (Shas) Sets
These beautiful traditional sets of the Babylonian Talmud, available from our
friends at
Judaism.com, will make exquisite gifts to your special scholar or student -
or even yourself. We use the
full-size Moznaim edition, since our vision isn't quite what it used to be,
and it really is a beauty. The type is clear, and the introductions to Rashi's
commentary (the dibburei mathil) are set in regular type (not Rashi
script), a feature we find helpful. The smaller editions are handy for travel or
for use in class.
Here are computer programs and other goodies to help you learn Talmud (and
how about reading Rashi script?), some courtesy of our affiliate

Reading Rashi - Interactive Education for Reading Rashi

Gemara Buddy - Perek Eilu Metzios - Technology for Talmud Study and Review

Gemara Tutor

Talmud Master - Interactive Talmud Trainer

Wolfson Talmud - 26 CD-ROMS

Talmud HaMuklat - 22 CDs - Technology for Talmud Study and Review in

Master Mishna – Complete Set - Technology for Mishna Study and Review - 6

Master Mishna – Zeraim

Master Mishna – Moed

Master Mishna – Nashim

Master Mishna – Nezikin

Master Mishna - Kodshim

Master Mishna - Tahoros

Bar Ilan Responsa 10

Bar Ilan Responsa 10 Plus Encyclopedia Talmudit

Tanach Plus - includes Tanach, 24 Bible Commentaries, Talmud Bavli and Commentaries, Zohar, and more

Judaic Bookshelf - Master Library - Tanach, Bible Commentaries, Talmud Bavli with Commentaries, Zohar, Sifrei Mussar, Machshava, and Siddurim

Bar Ilan Talmud Torah Study Buddy

Encyclopedia Talmudit complete on CD

Soncino Hebrew/English Babylonian Talmud (CD-ROM edition) |
We personally like the Steinsaltz Talmud best, because it includes a unique
blended translation and commentary to help us steer our course through the Sea
of Talmud. (Yes, that's one name for it. It's that big.) The Steinsaltz Talmud
edition is truly a masterpiece. It even has margin notes on words Rashi used in
Old French, geography, short biographies of the rabbis taking part in the
current page's discussions, etc. The Steinsaltz Talmud is also a beautifully
produced book.
The Schottenstein Talmud, published by Artscroll, is also a considerable
achievement. The Artscroll Schottenstein edition has facing English and Hebrew pages,
where the English page reproduces the traditional layout of the Hebrew facing
page. No small feat, that, when you consider that an English translation usually
needs about 30% more words than a Hebrew original...and the language of the
Talmud is especially condensed. The Artscroll Talmud is also a handsomely-bound
edition, one you can be proud to have on your bookshelf. In addition to the full-size Schottenstein
edition, Artscroll also has a smaller 8 3/4" x 12" Daf Yomi (daily page) edition. You can use
the Artscroll Schottenstein Daf Yomi edition to join with thousands of Jews around the world studying
one page of Talmud a day according to a schedule. This edition is smaller so you
can take it with you on the bus and study while commuting or on a break at work.
Soncino Hebrew/English Babylonian Talmud (30-Volume Set) is another fine edition. Like the Artscroll Talmud, the
Soncino Talmud preserves the traditional layout of the Talmud page, with Hebrew
(and Aramaic) on one side, and the English translation on the facing page. The
Soncino Talmud differs from the Artscroll Talmud and the Steinsaltz Talmud in
that it offers a translation but skips the detailed explanations in English of
the other editions. The Soncino Talmud is, like the Steinsaltz and Artscroll
editions, beautifully produced. Since it sticks to the Talmud text plus
translation, it's more compact than the other two. And it's available as a
complete set...as well as in a
CD-ROM edition.
You'll do fine with any of these Talmud editions; which one to choose is
really a matter of individual taste. The Soncino Talmud is closest to the
traditional Vilna layout. The Artscroll Talmud adds commentary to help you
navigate that layout, and the Steinsaltz Talmud blends the traditional
commentaries into a running text that's perhaps easiest for those of us used to
reading a text from start to finish instead of moving around on the page in
non-linear fashion.
So, come, join the discussion. It's intellectually and religiously stimulating to
hear the voices of the ancient academies in Babylonia, joined by commentators
over the centuries, and sooner than you know it, you're taking part yourself!
Talmud is traditionally studied in pairs - hevrutas - it's not a book to read
cover-to-cover. You need a friend at about the same level as you to work through
passages together and keep each other on track through the threads of the
arguments. A small group will also do nicely, as long as each of you works your
way through the text.
When you click on the Artscroll Schottenstein Talmud volumes here, we take
you to the Artscroll site, just as we take you to Amazon for the Steinsaltz and
Talmuds. That's because Amazon's selection of the Artscroll Schottenstein edition is
limited. On the other hand, if you want an inexpensive Steinsaltz edition,
Amazon's your best bet - they've got used copies and remainders in addition to
in-print new copies.

Talmud, the Steinsaltz Edition: Tractate Sanhedrin (Talmud. the Steinsaltz
Edition, Vol Xxi, Part Vii) |

Talmud, the Steinsaltz Edition: Tractate Sanhedrin (Talmud. the Steinsaltz
Edition, Vol Xx, Part Vi) |

Artscroll Schottenstein Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Berachos volume 1
(folios 2a-30b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Daf Yomi Edition of the Talmud - English Berachos volume 1
(folios 2a-30b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Berachos volume 2 (folios
30b-64a) |

Talmud, the Steinsaltz Edition: Tractate Sanhedrin (Talmud. the Steinsaltz
Edition, Vol Xix, Part V) |

The Talmud the Steinsaltz Edition: Tractate Sanhedrin (Vol
18, Pt 4) |

Artscroll Schottenstein Daf Yomi Edition of the Talmud - English
Berachos volume 2 (folios 30b-64a) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Shabbos volume 1 (folios 2a-36a) |

Artscroll Schottenstein Daf Yomi Edition of the Talmud - English Shabbos
volume 1 (folios 2a-36a) |

Talmud vol. 17: The Steinsaltz Edition: Tractate Sanhedrin, Part III |

The Talmud vol. 16: The Steinsaltz Edition : Tractate
Sanhedrin, Part II |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Shabbos volume 2 (folios
36b-76b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Shabbos volume 3 (folios
76b-115a) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Shabbos volume 4 (folios
115a-157b) |

The Talmud vol. 15: The Steinsaltz Edition: Tractate Sanhedrin, Part 1 |

The Talmud vol. 14: The Steinsaltz Edition : Tractate Ta'Anit,
Part II |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Eruvin volume 1 (folios 2a-52b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Eruvin volume 2 (folios
52b-105a) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Pesachim volume 1 (folios
2a-42a) |

The Talmud vol. 13: The Steinsaltz Edition: Tractate Ta'Anit, Part I |

The Talmud vol. 12: The Steinsaltz Edition : Tractate Ketubot,Part VI |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Pesachim volume 2 (folios
42a-80b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Pesachim volume 3 (folios
80b-121b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Yoma volume 1 (folios 2a-46b) |

The Talmud vol. 11: The Steinsaltz Edition : Tractate Ketubot,
Part V |

The Talmud: The Steinsaltz Edition: Tractate Ketubot, Part IV |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Yoma volume 2 (folios 47a-88a) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Succah volume 1 (folios 2a-29b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Succah volume 2 (folios 29b-56b) |

The Talmud: The Steinsaltz Edition: Tractate Ketubot, Part

The Talmud vol.8: The Steinsaltz Edition: Tractate Ketubot, Part II |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Beitzah (folios 2a-40b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Rosh Hashanah (folios 2a-35a) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Taanis (folios 2a-31a) |

The Talmud vol. 7: The Steinsaltz Edition: Tractate Ketubot,
Part I |

The Talmud: The Steinsaltz Edition: Tractate Bava Metzia,
Part VI |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Megillah (folios 2a-32a) |

Artscroll Schottenstein Daf Yomi Edition of the Talmud - English
Megillah (folios 2a-32a) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Moed Katan (folios 2a-29a) |

The Talmud vol.5: The Steinsaltz Edition: Tractate Bava
Metzia, Part V |

The Talmud: The Steinsaltz Edition: Tractate Bava Metzia,
Part IV |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Yevamos volume 1 (folios 2a-41a) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Yevamos volume 2 (folios
41a-84a) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition Of The Talmud - English Full Size - Kesubos volume 1 (folios 2a-41b) |

The Talmud vol. 3: The Steinsaltz Edition: Bava Metzia, Part III |

The Talmud Vol. 2: The Steinsaltz Edition: Bava Metzia Part
2 |

Artscroll Schottenstein Daf Yomi Edition of the Talmud - English Kesubos
volume 1 (folios 2a-41b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of The Talmud - English Full Size - Kesubos volume 2 (folios
41b-77b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of The Talmud - English Full Size - Kesubos volume 3 (folios
78a-112b) |

The Talmud: The Steinsaltz Edition: Tractate Bava Metzia,
Part I |

The Talmud: The Steinsaltz Edition: A Reference Guide |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition Of The Talmud - English Full Size - Nedarim volume 1 (folios 2a-45a) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition Of The Talmud - English Full Size - Nedarim volume 2 (folios
45b-91b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Nazir volume 1 (folios 2a-34a) |

Learn Talmud How to Use the Talmud the Steinsaltz Edition |

A Beginner's Guide to the Steinsaltz Talmud |

Artscroll Schottenstein Daf Yomi Edition of the Talmud - English Nazir
volume 1 (folios 2a-34a) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Nazir volume 2 (folios 34a-66b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein Daf Yomi Edition of the Talmud - English Nazir
volume 2 (folios 34a-66b) |

Soncino Hebrew/English Babylonian Talmud (30-Volume Set) |

Soncino Hebrew/English Babylonian Talmud (CD-ROM edition) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of The Talmud - English Full Size - Sotah volume 1 (folios 2a-27b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein Daf Yomi Edition of the Talmud - English Sotah
volume 1 (folios 2a-27b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Sotah volume 2 (folios 27b-49b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein Daf Yomi Edition of the Talmud - English Sotah
volume 2 (folios 27b-49b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Gittin volume 1 (folios 2a-48b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein Daf Yomi Edition of the Talmud - English Gittin
volume 1 (folios 2a-48b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Gittin volume 2 (folios 48b-90b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein Daf Yomi Edition of the Talmud - English Gittin
volume 2 (folios 48b-90b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Kiddushin volume 1 (folios
2a-41a) |

Artscroll Schottenstein Daf Yomi Edition of the Talmud - English
Kiddushin volume 1 (folios 2a-41a) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Kiddushin volume 2 (folios
41a-82b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein Daf Yomi Edition of the Talmud - English
Kiddushin volume 2 (folios 41a-82b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Bava Kamma volume 1 (folios
2a-35b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein Daf Yomi Edition of the Talmud - English Bava
Kamma volume 1 (folios 2a-35b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Bava Kamma volume 2 (folios
36a-83a) |

Artscroll Schottenstein Daf Yomi Edition of the Talmud - English Bava
Kamma volume 2 (folios 36a-83a) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Bava Kamma volume 3 (folios
83b-119b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein Daf Yomi Edition of the Talmud - English Bava
Kamma volume 3 (folios 83b-119b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Bava Metzia volume 1 (folios
2a-44a) |

Artscroll Schottenstein Daf Yomi Edition of the Talmud - English Bava
Metzia volume 1 (folios 2a-44a) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Bava Metzia volume 2 (folios
44a-83a) |

Artscroll Schottenstein Daf Yomi Edition of the Talmud - English Bava
Metzia volume 2 (folios 44a-83a) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Bava Metzia volume 3 (folios
83a-119a) |

Artscroll Schottenstein Daf Yomi Edition of the Talmud - English Bava
Metzia volume 3 (folios 83a-119a) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Bava Basra volume 1 (folios
2a-60b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein Daf Yomi Edition of the Talmud - English Bava
Basra volume 1 (folios 2a-60b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Bava Basra volume 2 (folios
61a-116b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein Daf Yomi Edition of the Talmud - English Bava
Basra volume 2 (folios 61a-116b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Bava Basra volume 3 (folios
116b-176b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein Daf Yomi Edition of the Talmud - English Bava
Basra volume 3 (folios 116b-176b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Sanhedrin volume 1 (folios
2a-42a) |

Artscroll Schottenstein Daf Yomi Edition of the Talmud - English
Sanhedrin volume 1 (folios 2a-42a) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Sanhedrin volume 2 (folios
42b-84a) |

Artscroll Schottenstein Daf Yomi Edition of the Talmud - English
Sanhedrin volume 2 (folios 42b-84a) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Sanhedrin volume 3 (folios
84b-113b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein Daf Yomi Edition of the Talmud - English
Sanhedrin volume 3 (folios 84b-113b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Makkos (folios 2a-24b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein Daf Yomi Edition of the Talmud - English Makkos
(folios 2a-24b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Shevuos (folios 2a-49b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Avodah Zarah volume 1 (folios
2a-40b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein Daf Yomi Edition of the Talmud - English Avodah
Zarah volume 1 (folios 2a-40b |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Avodah Zarah volume 2 (folios
40b-76b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein Daf Yomi Edition of the Talmud - English Avodah
Zarah volume 2 (folios 40b-76b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Horayos & Eduyos (folios 2a-14a
/ 2a-9b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein Daf Yomi Edition of the Talmud - English Horayos
& Eduyos (folios 2a-14a / 2a-9b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Zevachim volume 1 (folios
2a-36b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Zevachim volume 2 (folios
36b-83a) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Zevachim volume 3 (folios
83a-120b) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Chullin volume 1 (folios 2a-42a) |

Artscroll Schottenstein
Edition of the Talmud - English Full Size - Niddah volume 1 (folios 2a-39b) |

Essential Talmud |

Talmudic Images |

Everyman's Talmud: The Major Teachings of the Rabbinic
Sages |

The Book of Legends Sefer Ha-Aggadah: Legends from the Talmud and
Midrash |

Jastrow Dictionary of the Targumim, Talmud Babli, Yerushalmi, and
Midrashic Literature |

Rabbinic Stories |

Introduction to the Talmud and Midrash |

Maimonides' Introduction to the Talmud: A Translation of the
Rambam's Introduction to His Commentary on the Mishna |

The Literature of the Sages: Oral Torah, Halakha, Mishna,
Tosefta, Talmud, External Tractates |

Maimonides' Introduction to the Talmud: A Translation of
Maimonides Introduction to His Commentary on the Mishna With Complete Original
Hebrew Text |

The Rules of Composition of the Talmud of Babylonia |

The Bavli's One Voice |

How the Talmud Shaped Rabbinic Discourse |

The Economics of the Mishnah |

As the Rabbis Taught: Studies in the Aggados of the Talmud: A
Tishah B'Av Reader |

Midrash in the Jerusalem Talmud |

The Jerusalem Talmud: First Order: Zeraim Tractate Berakhot |

A Guide to the Jerusalem Talmud |

The Talmud and the Internet: A Journey Between Worlds |

Introduction to the Talmud and Midrash |

The Jerusalem Talmud: First Order: Zeraiim, Tractates Terumot and
Ma'Serot |

Talmudic Stories: Narrative Art, Composition, and Culture |

Swimming in the Sea of Talmud |

The Talmud of the Land of Israel: Sanhedrin and Makkot |

The Talmud for Beginners: Prayer (Talmud for Beginners, Vol 1) |

The Talmud for Beginners: Text (Talmud for Beginners, Vol
2) |

The Talmud for Beginners: Living in a Non-Jewish World (Vol 3) |

Midrash, Mishnah and Gemara: The Jewish Predilection for Justified
Law |

The Sages: Their Concepts and Beliefs |

Learning Talmud: A Guide to Talmud Terminology and Rashi
Commentary |

Ein Yaakov: The Ethical and Inspirational Teachings of the
Talmud |

The Encyclopedia of Talmudic Sages |

Essential Papers on the Talmud (Essential Papers on Jewish
Studies) |
More Talmud Editions and Books on Talmud!
Here are many more Talmud editions and various books on Talmud, available from Amazon.
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