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Shma Koleinu: A Jewish People's Commentary on the Siddur
by Rabbi Steven Schwarzman

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Enveloped in Light: A Tallit Sourcebook
by Dov Peretz Elkins and Steven Schwarzman

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Encyclopedia Judaica, Second Edition (21 Volume Set)
Encyclopedia Judaica, Second Edition (21 Volume Set)

Artscroll Books

Looking for a good Artscroll book?

Artscroll publishes a wide variety of Jewish books from a religious perspective. Artscroll editions are beautifully produced - Artscroll books are meant to add to the beauty of your bookshelf and to be used. This page shows you hundreds of Artscroll books.

Artscroll Siddurim (Prayerbooks)

Besides a complete line of siddurim, Artscroll publishes benchers (the Yiddish term; they're birconim in Hebrew - grace after meals), machzorim (high holiday prayerbooks and in some cases, also with volumes for the festivals), and some special editions, including siddurim in Russian and Spanish, a guide for gabbais (lay leaders at synagogue services), large-type editions, pocket-size editions, and more.

Artscroll Chumash, Tanach, Bible

Artscroll publishes several beautiful editions of Chumashim and Tanachim, including the Artscroll Baal Haturim Chumash series, the Artscroll Sapirstein Rashi, the Artscroll Stone Chumash, the Artscroll Stone Tanach, the Artscroll Kestenbaum Tikkun, and others.

Artscroll Schottenstein Talmud

The Schottenstein Talmud, published by Artscroll, is a considerable achievement. The Artscroll Schottenstein edition has facing English and Hebrew pages, where the English page reproduces the traditional layout of the Hebrew facing page. No small feat, that, when you consider that an English translation usually needs about 30% more words than a Hebrew original...and the language of the Talmud is especially condensed. The Artscroll Talmud is also a handsomely-bound edition, one you can be proud to have on your bookshelf. In addition to the full-size Schottenstein edition, Artscroll also has a smaller 8 3/4" x 12" Daf Yomi (daily page) edition. You can use the Artscroll Schottenstein Daf Yomi edition to join with thousands of Jews around the world studying one page of Talmud a day according to a schedule. This edition is smaller so you can take it with you on the bus and study while commuting or on a break at work.

Artscroll Haggadahs

Artscroll publishes many beautiful Haggadah editions, from inexpensive paperback editions to handsome leather editions, with commentaries of all kinds, all of which are shown here.

More Artscroll Books and Seforim!

Here are many more Artscroll books and sifrei kodesh, available from Amazon.

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