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Looking for a good Haggadah?
The Passover Haggadah is an old book, indeed, to which additions have been made over the centuries. The oldest version known is from the 10th century. The Haggadah has been published in a few thousand different editions over the centuries — and that's not counting modern versions that replace the traditional text with something new.
Haggadot available today come with rich commentaries, beautiful illustrations, and suggestions for conducting the Passover seder in a meaningful way. Don't settle for a freebie with just plain text - choosing a Haggadah that meets your family's needs is a good investment. You can find Haggadot in every flavor - you name the "-ism", and chances are there's a Haggadah to match. If not three....
Here are lots of Haggadot to choose from (how many, you ask? how about HUNDREDS of Haggadot of all kinds, plus more Haggadahs from Artscroll!):
[an error occurred while processing this directive]Artscroll publishes many beautiful Haggadah editions, from inexpensive paperback editions to handsome leather editions, with commentaries of all kinds, all of which are shown here.
Want more haggadot? Click here to search Amazon, or here to search Artscroll.
Need something new in the kitchen for Pesach? Could anything be easier than door-to-door delivery at Amazon's prices?
Jewish music bestsellers[an error occurred while processing this directive]
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