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Shma Koleinu: A Jewish People's Commentary on the Siddur
by Rabbi Steven Schwarzman

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Enveloped in Light: A Tallit Sourcebook
by Dov Peretz Elkins and Steven Schwarzman

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Encyclopedia Judaica, Second Edition (21 Volume Set)
Encyclopedia Judaica, Second Edition (21 Volume Set)

Mikraot Gedolot and Torah Commentaries

Looking for a good Mikraot Gedolot or other Torah commentary? We have the beautiful Hamaor edition and several others, plus other standard perushim - the Ramban, Rashi, Or Hachayim, Rabbeinu Bachya, Alshich, Haketav Vehakabbalah, Itturei Torah, and more, plus lots of great midrash sets. Have a look!


Mikraot Gedolot, Hamaor edition, in beautiful, crisp type (we use it at home). Available in small, medium, and large sizes


Mikraot Gedolot Hamaleh, small size (5"x7"), newly typeset


Mikraot Gedolot on Nach (Neviim and Ketuvim, aka Prophets and Writings), Hamaor edition, 17 volumes


Midrash Tanhuma set of 2 volumes, with nikud


Midrash Rabbah set of 6 volumes, Moznaim edition, 8.75"x12"


Yalkut Meam Loez set of 11 volumes, Moznaim edition, 6.5"x9"


Or HaChaim on the Torah, with nikud, 2 volumes


Perush Ramban on the Torah, 2 volumes


Rabbeinu Bachai on the Torah, 2 volumes, newly typeset

Sfas Emes

The Sfat Emet (aka the Sfas Emes) on the Torah, 5 volumes, newly typeset


Haketav Vehakabbalah, 7 volumes, English


Alshich on the Torah, English, 3 volumes


Or HaChaim, in English, 5 volumes, 2066 pages with index

Torah gems

Torah Gems (Iturei Torah), English, 3 volumes, 1042 pages


The Pentateuch and Rashi's Commentary. Linear translation of Torah text and Rashi, 5 volumes


Midrash Rabbah: Complete and unabridged English translation, 10 volume set


The Classic Midrash: Tannaitic Commentaries on the Bible (Classics of Western Spirituality)


The Legends of the Jews: From the Creation to Jacob


The Legends of the Jews: Moses in the Wilderness


The Book of Legends Sefer Ha-Aggadah: Legends from the Talmud and Midrash


The Legends of the Jews: From Joseph to the Exodus


Peshat and Derash: Plain and Applied Meaning in Rabbinic Exegesis


Midrash Tanhuma: Translated into English With Indices and Brief Notes: Exodus and Leviticus


Midrash Tanhuma-Yelammedenu: An English Translation of Genesis and Exodus from the Printed Version of Tanhuma-Yelammedenu With an Introduction, notes


Searching for Meaning in Midrash: Lessons for Everyday Living


The Midrash: An Introduction


Yemenite Midrash: Philosophical Commentaries on the Torah


Midrashic Imagination Jewish Exegesis, Thought, and History


The Exegetical Imagination: On Jewish Thought and Theology


Midrash and Theory: Ancient Jewish Exegesis and Contemporary Literary Studies


Torah Commentary, 7 volumes. Midrash Rabbeinu Bachya


Introduction to the Talmud and Midrash


Midrash on Psalms (Judaica Series, No. 13)


Messengers of God: Biblical Portraits and Legends


Midrashic Women: Formations of the Feminine in Rabbinic Literature (Brandeis Series on Jewish Women)


Midrash for Beginners


Midrash in the Jerusalem Talmud


Where Heaven and Earth Touch: An Anthology of Midrash and Halachah


The Midrashic Process: Tradition and Interpretation in Rabbinic Judaism


The Aggadic Midrash Literature

Want more books on Midrash? Click here to search Amazon.


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Jewish Publishers


Featured Books:

Enveloped in Light: A Tallit Sourcebook
by Dov Peretz Elkins and Steven Schwarzman

Judaica Press 

Prophets & Writings - 24 vol. set

Judaica Press Mikraot Gedolot Nach, 24 Volumes

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Encyclopedia Judaica, Second Edition (21 Volume Set)
Encyclopedia Judaica, Second Edition (21 Volume Set)

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